Paragon Orthotics
Paragon newsletters have long served as an intellectual forum for those practicing in our industry. We take great pride in sharing articles that have been contributed from our past and current clients.

Foot Orthoses For Chronic Ankle Instability
In light of an increasing body of research on the effect of orthoses on chronic ankle instability and postural sway, this author discusses essential biomechanical

Can Foot Orthoses Have An Impact For Knee Osteoarthritis?
Dr. Kevin Kirby, DPM Given the common nature of knee osteoarthritis, this author discusses the link with progressive genu varum deformity and shares insights from

Effect of Different Orthotic Material on Plantar Pressures
James M. Gerrard, Daniel R. Bonanno, Glen A. Whittaker, Karl B. Landorf Introduction Foot orthoses and shock-absorbing insoles are commonly used to treat and prevent

Orthoses and Balance in the Aging Patient
James McGuire, DPM, Milad Manouche, BA We tend to take our feet for granted until we are presented with some sort of foot pathology. Whether

Compensated Equinus Deformity
The compensated equinus deformity is caused by either a structural or functional shortage of the gastrocnemius muscle. It creates an inability to achieve a range

The Cavus Foot
Biomechanical and Postural Considerations/ Orthotic Treatment By Joe Coletta, PTA, C.Ped Current Pedorthics Pedorthic Footcare Association Cavus foot deformities are commonly associated with neurological

Proper Shoe Fit
Finding shoes that fit the feet properly is incredibly important. If you or your patients require the use of foot orthotics, it is essential to

The Art of Prescribing Foot Orthotics
This article discusses the importance of considering foot flexibility when prescribing orthotics. To ensure maximum therapeutic value from the orthotics, extra care and attention to

Orthotic Accommodations
Are You Over-Prescribing Them? Dr. Lloyd Nesbitt, DPM How are your results going with the orthotics that you prescribe? Do you find that too

Clinical Case Study
Patient Female, 24 years old, 125 lbs. Complaint Dull, throbbing pain on the lateral plantar aspect of the left foot, just proximal to the fifth

Laser Scan or Plaster Cast?
Is a Virtual Cast Equivalent to a Plaster Cast? A lot of practitioners are hesitant to switch from the plaster casting technique to a laser

Haglund’s Deformity
Haglund’s deformity is a commonly seen but not well understood condition also known as retrocalcaneal exostosis. An abnormality of the heel bone and soft tissues

Sever’s Syndrome
Growth plates (apophyses) are areas at the ends of the long bones of children in which new bone growth is occurring. They are made up

Clinical Case Study
Patient 28 year old female, 121 lbs. Complaint Lateral forefoot pain, left foot only. X-Rays X-rays taken were negative for fractures. On the lateral view-

Foot Posture Index
In a previous blog, we delved into the wondrous and complex structure and function of the foot. The two main functions of the foot are

Clinical Case Study
Patient Male, 10 years of age, 70 lbs. Complaint Pain in the arches of both feet, sore legs. The parents complain that the child walks

Orthotic Materials Guide
There are a wide variety of material options when it comes to creating a foot orthotic. Shell materials range from flexible to rigid, as do

How Gait is Affected by Orthotics
Practitioners prescribe foot orthotics to improve foot function and relieve pain. This also produces observable changes in other areas of the lower extremities. The most

Clinical Case Study 4
Patient Female, 35 years old, 135 lbs Complaint Throbbing pain sub-second and third metatarsal of the right foot. History The patient was treated by another

Clinical Case Study
Patient Male, 29 years old, volleyball player, 267 lbs. Complaint Increasing pain and swelling in both knees over a six year period. Pain and stiffness

Creating a Successful Clinic Website
Creating an online presence is now an essential part of any successful business. As a foot specialist, you know you offer products and services that

Case of the Season
Patient Female, 62 years old, 165 lbs. Complaints Pain at the 1st metatarsal head bilaterally and pain and numbness in the 3rd interdigital space, right

Paragon Prescription Form Guide
Years ago we redesigned our prescription form to not only include specifications for orthotic fabrication, but also biomechanical examination findings, patient history, and measurements. This

Feet Appreciation Post
We normally post articles about specific pathologies or cases of biomechanical abnormalities. This time, we wanted to take a step back and remind ourselves, and

Anterior Tibial Contraction
A Common Error in Negative Casting The neutral position negative casting technique relies on total patient relaxation for optimum results. Any muscular contraction which occurs

Podiatric Sports Medicine
Partially due to our work in treating athletes, podiatry has become extremely well respected in North America in recent years. Very often it has been

Overcoming a Patient’s Resistance to Orthotics
As with anything in life, people don’t always want to take your advice. When it comes to orthotics, there can be all sorts of reasons

Pediatric Feet
Foot Type Just like many parts in the rest of their bodies, infants are born without completely ossified bone structures in their feet. It takes

Flexible Forefoot Valgus
A forefoot valgus deformity is defined as an everted position of the forefoot relative to a perpendicular bisection of the calcaneus when the subtalar joint

Your “custom orthotics”… Are they really?
When you prescribe custom foot orthotics, do you always know what you are getting from your lab? Not long ago it was clear that

Case of the Season
Patient Female, age 34, 126 lbs. History and Chief Complaint For the past seven years, the patient’s feet have become progressively more uncomfortable. At first

Subtalar Neutral Position
When the rearfoot is neither pronated nor supinated, and the forefoot has been locked against it, this relationship creates a neutrally positioned foot. Ideally in

Clinical Biomechanics Quiz
1. A patient returns two weeks after having orthotics dispensed and complains of orthotics slipping from side to side. Examination reveals orthotic 1/2″ proximal to

Popliteal Tendonitis
It is not uncommon for some runners to develop lateral knee pain. This symptom is often associated with a significant reduction in subtalar joint motion,

Sports Medicine and the Cavus Foot
The cavus foot has limited motion and absorbs shock poorly. Although it is often only a minor problem in multidirectional sports or sprinting, it can

Being All That You Can Be For Your Patients
This concept may sound pretty basic, but there is a lot behind it. With this philosophy, you will generate tons of referrals and patients will

Variations in Forefoot Valgus and Plantarflexed First Ray Deformities
Forefoot Valgus- The Plantarflexed First Ray The following chart is designed to clarify the various differences in forefoot valgus and plantarflexed first ray deformities. This

Case of the Season #3
Patient: Female, 14 years, 105 lbs Complaints Redness, pain and swelling on the back of both feels, several months duration. History Negative- no specific history

Cuboid Syndrome
In Brief: About 4% if the athletes with foot problems seen by the authors had cuboid syndrome. The authors say that the syndrome is common

When Heel Pain is Not Plantar Fasciitis
The plantar fascia is a band of connective tissue running from the heel to the ball of the foot. Inflammation of the plantar fascia occurs

Orthotic Adjustments
The ideal situation is one where a patient is experiencing pain, the practitioner prescribes an orthotic, this orthotic relieves their pain and everyone lives happily

Equinus Deformity
What is it? Talipes equinus deformity is a condition in which the foot is held in a plantarflexed position. The patient will lack the

Case of the Season #2
Patient: Female, 55 years old, 140 lbs Chief complaint In our second case of the season, our patient complains of pain in the

Increasing Your Orthotic Productivity
If you are interested in prescribing more orthotics, this article will help you achieve your goal. The Right Mindset A good mindset

Treatment for Hallux Abducto Valgus
Biomechanical Treatment for Moderate-to-Severe Hallux Abducto Valgus Recently we posted an article about various forefoot deformities. Here we focus on moderate to severe hallux

Laser Scanners and Insurance Coverage
Plaster casting vs. 3D non-weight bearing laser scanning For those that have studied lower limb biomechanics, there is agreement of the superiority of a

Biomechanical Management of Forefoot Deformities
The purpose of this article is to present a practical, biomechanical approach to managing various common forefoot deformities. Hammertoe Deformities When a

Experience is the Difference
“Experience is the one thing you can’t get for nothing.” Oscar Wilde Paragon has been a leader in orthotic manufacturing for over 45 years.

Hallux Limitus
Hallux Limitus is a condition causing inflammation and soreness of the big toe, accompanied by restriction of movement. If untreated, it can lead to

Case of the Season #1
Patient: Male, 35 years old, 5’9″, 190 lbs History and chief complaint Patient’s feet have always bothered him, and he has “flat feet”.

Patient Centered Care
The concept of patient centered care may sound pretty basic, but there is a lot behind it. With this philosophy, you will generate more referrals

Biomechanics and the Geriatric Patient
When considering older patients in any context it’s best to not fall into the trap of chronological age. There are many 70 year old individuals

Assessing Orthotic Quality
So often we are asked to evaluate patients who have failed orthotics from another provider. This article is designed to assist you in evaluating

Shin Splints
Shin splints are a painful injury, common among athletes, soldiers and dancers. They are one of a number of injuries caused by repetitive overuse

Pediatric Biomechanics
Pediatric Biomechanics Kids are not simply little adults, especially when it comes to their physiology. To understand pediatric biomechanics as it relates to lower